Natasha arrived in America from Jamaica when she was 8 years old. Now at 17, there is no question that New York is her home. Immigration have other ideas. Ever since her father’s DUI, Natasha’s family have been fighting to stay in the US. With only one day left in New York, Natasha seeks out an immigration expert. What she finds is a boy called Daniel.

Daniel is US/Korean, a poet, a dreamer and the complete opposite of Natasha. She loves Science, Physics, order and reality. She hates Poetry and the concept of love. After Daniel saves her life, he has one hour to prove love, poetry, dreaming and falling in love is…possible.

Neither expect what happens. Daniel doesn’t know about Natasha’s looming deportation that night. Natasha doesn’t know why she’s feeling the way she is about him.


With a ticking clock of deportation ever present in this YA novel, the feelings between the two main characters bloom and escalate. Will she have to leave the country?

Are they really falling in love or is it just a serious of chain reactions that have randomly thrown them together?

Mostly set in the space of one day, this novel also delves into the lives these two characters affect in that day, and also the history of their family members.

Absolutely LOVED it!

Author – Nicola Yoon

Age – 13+


Movie Trailer here

Read another Nicola Yoon Book Review here




(2016, Penguin Random House, Romance, Chance, Love, Science, Random, College, Family, Expectations, Korean, Jamaican, Secret, Deportation, Dreams for the future)

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