This tale of growing up in the Deep American South in the 1930’s is a wonderful classic. Scout (Jean Louise) .....
Justyce is 17. He is the top of his class, an excellent debater and is aiming for Yale. All is .....
Anders is now with his sister Rayna at Drekhelm, her new home among the dragons he always thought were the .....
Ice wolf Anders, Dragon and sister Rayna, and a mix of both dragon and human friends have fled from the .....
Jojo is 13 and lives with his grandparents, his drug addicted mother and his toddler sister, Kayla. Jojo’s father Michael .....
The refugee camp is all that Subhi has ever known. Born there 9 years before, he has lived in tents .....
A spiteful, mean, girl called Betty. A caring, thoughtful, smart girl called Annabelle. A man suffering the after effects of .....
The final part of this trilogy. Allegiant is told in two points of view – Tobias (Four) and Tris. The .....
This is a sad but wonderful story about a family dealing with the loss of a sister/daughter to a terrorist .....