This is the 1st in a series. A hilarious series about a boy called Ricky who discovers he can fly. But the annoying this is – he can’t tell anyone. ...

Every day, A wakes up in a different body. We don’t know if A is a boy or a girl, but we do know that A is resigned to his/her ...

Mr Fox has to leave his home in a hole under a tree every night to find food for his family. He steals chickens, ducks or geese from three mean ...

What happens when Mum goes off on a business trip and leaves Dad in charge? They run out of milk! So Dad goes off to the shops to get some ...

Friday Brown has spent all of her 17 years travelling from town to town with her mother – free spirits and loving life. When her mum gets ill, their lives ...

Mark, Anna, Ben and little Tracey are waiting in the bus shelter for their school bus when they begin to play little Tracey’s favourite game. Thinking of a character and ...

Mia is happy when a light snowfall closes the schools and many businesses in their town in Oregon. They decide to go on a family day to Portland. Her boyfriend ...

The language used in this larger font novel is excellent aussie lingo, and would be great for reluctant boy readers. Excellent read. It was a story about courage, war, loss ...

Eric is packing. He is running away because nobody believes him. He told his family his own dog doesn’t like him, so he’s leaving. But time in the park alone, ...

Candice Phee is a bit different. She sees the world in a very precise way and is very smart – but the kids in her class call her Essen. Which ...

This is a sad but wonderful story about a family dealing with the loss of a sister/daughter to a terrorist bomb in London. It is told by Jamie who can’t ...

Nanberry is a young aboriginal boy living happily with his family. When the white ‘ghosts’ arrive to Nanberry’s land – so does the smallpox – killing his entire family. On ...

Hilarious! Nanny Piggins is Mary Poppins with a twist and a lot of crazy! She will make you laugh out loud. Each chapter is a separate and complete story, but ...

10 yr old Annemarie’s city of Copenhagen has had armed German soldiers standing on street corners for three years. Her little sister Kristi (5) acts like it is normal as ...

Told in a non-rhyming poetry format, this is a story told by students in Room 6A. Mick, Jacob, Laura and Pete all have different worries and dreams and they are ...

When Zoe finds her pet hamster has died she is devastated. With a stepmother who ignores her and a dad who practically lives at the pub, Zoe is lonely and ...

A girl wakes up to find herself lying in a sea of mud. It’s in her mouth, her hair and encrusted across her body. What happened? Where is she? When ...

It’s 1910 and Sig Andersson is sitting alone inside his family’s cabin, staring at the body of his father. Only hours before, he found his father out on the ice ...

Nathan’s best friend Simon has Muscular Distrophy. They’ve been best friends since forever and enjoy Dungeons and Dragons gaming and mucking about at school and joking about girls. See Ya ...

Told in two viewpoints: 1 – a young orca whale whose mother is killed by a harpoon (1st person) 2 – Will – who is plagued by headaches, nerves, nausea ...

9 yr old Peat lives with her older sister Marlie at the Overhang, (a cave like existence) after being banished from the town of Skerrick by Marlie’s father. When Peat ...

I enjoyed this novel immensely. I could feel the main character’s (Evie) frustration, fear and tension as she tries to figure out what is happening to her in the beginning ...

Andy and Terry live in a 13th Storey Treehouse. Besides its size, this is no ordinary tree house. It has a bowling alley, a man eating shark tank, a see ...

Andy and Terry have added 13 more storeys to their treehouse including an anti-gravity chamber, an ATM Automatic tattoo machine, an ice cream parlour with Edward Scooperhands and a maze ...

Terry has been so busy building the 39th storey they haven’t had time to write the newest book. They invite a story making machine, but when the machine won’t let ...

Sophie and Josh are twins. They work right across the road from one another – Sophie in a coffee shop – Josh in a bookshop. But little do they know ...

Dennis is twelve and missing his mum terribly after she left him, his dad and his older brother. His only comfort is her left behind clothes which triggers him to ...

It has been one year since the virus struck their city of London, turning everyone over the age of 14 to a stinking, pus filled, carnivorous zombie. Arran and Maxie ...

Instead of talking about the plot of this story, I think the characters themselves are more important. Hazel Grace – Eloquent, thoughtful and painfully aware of her cancer (tumours in ...

Set in a future society where poverty, violence, unemployment, and injustice are no longer. Jonas lives with his family and is waiting for his ceremony to become ‘a twelve’. At ...